Full documentation on the API can be found here
To get your API key, go here
Use the "User API-Key" value for the calls below. Some steps may also need the "Client Key" value (see below).
For each request to the API, you will want to pass these 2 headers:
Accept: application/json
API-KEY: (your api key from above)
You'll need your "client key", which can be found in your settings here:
Specifically, you'll want to do an HTTP post to
With a JSON payload that defines your user details, like this:
"account_keys": [
"account_key1", "account_key2", ...
"name": "James Holden",
"email": "",
where account_key1,2,3... is from your list of accounts from step 2. This is the list of accounts to which this user will have initial access. If you want the user to have access to ALL accounts, instead use the "client_keys" parameter, like this:
"client_keys": [
"(your client key from step 1)"
"name": "James Holden",
"email": "",
Updating a user
If you want to change permissions of a user, you'll first need that user's id. You can get that from the "Get Users" call.
You can then use the "Update User" call to change their permissions and details.