Rigor Real Browser checks have a Changelog. The Changelog provides a detailed history of different changes made to checks. It includes:
- Rigor system events (new browsers, check name change, viewports, network throttling etc.)
- Custom System Events
- Alerts
- Notes/Comments
System Events
The Changelog tracks System Events, such as which user was last to run or edit a check. This helps us audit changes to check configurations.
System Events appear automatically whenever a user:
- Creates a check
- Edits a check
- Changes check steps
- Pauses or unpauses a check
- Mutes or unmutes a check
- Runs a check manually, or
- Takes or releases ownership of an issue
Changelog Audit Page
Users can also click on the system event line or the “View details” link to be taken to the changelog page.
This page gives a side-by-side view of the previous changes made to a check and the current settings. Users will be able to see changes made to steps, advanced configuration settings, and updates to basic settings, and alerts. This high level viewport into check configurations will help users revert changes and stay on track of their checks.
Alerts will also be in the changelog, however they won’t appear in the Changelog Audit Page. Only the 15 most recent alerts will be displayed.
Adding Notes
We can also add Notes to help teams stay in sync about the status of issues.
For example, we might add a note to record a specific instance that triggered an alert.
To add a note from a check read screen:
- Click the ‘Changelog’ icon
- Add your comment in the text field
- Click the blue message bubble or hit enter
We can also edit or delete any of our own notes by hovering and clicking Edit or Delete(the X in the top right corner):
Read more about System Events in this blog post.
Note: The Changelog doesn’t currently log changes to:
- Tags
- Configuration Templates