Every Real Browser, Uptime, and API check requires setting a primary user or group to receive notifications.
In some cases, it becomes necessary to escalate alerts to other users or groups if the initial alert to the primary user goes unacknowledged.
You can configure Escalations on the Notifications tab:
- Edit check > Notifications
- Scroll down to Escalations > + Add
- Select an amount of time (e. if you'd like to notify a Next Level Ops Team when the initial alert is unacknowledged for 15 minutes, select ‘After 15 minutes’)
- Check the box for ‘Repeat’ only if you’d like to resend alerts at the set frequency until the alert is acknowledged by a user
- Specify escalations to send at any time or only during a specific time window
- Select a user or group to receive the escalated alert
- Define how to send the alert - via email, phone, or text message
- Escalations are based on the original alert time and not cumulative. If, for example, you set two escalations to different users or groups for the same timeframe, those two users or groups will receive escalated alerts at the same time.
- Escalations only receive Failure alerts, not 'Back Online' ones