On the Notifications tab for Real Browser, Uptime, and API checks there's a checkbox labeled Notify of location-specific failures:
Whether there’s an issue with a local network on the last mile or an issue with a CDN, sometimes a site may have performance issues only from some locations.
When the feature is enabled Rigor will send an alert according to the notification settings specifiedif the check fails only from one location.
For example, say you want to be notified after 2 consecutive errors and your check runs every 10 minutes from 5 locations. If the check fails twice from any of the 5 locations in a single cycle, Rigor will send an alert notification. With this setting disabled, Rigor would only send an alert notification when the check failed twice from two unique locations.
It's best to enable ‘Notify of location-specific failures’ if you want more proactive alerts around location-specific issues.