Benchmark checks compare the performance of many pages, typically our homepage compared to the homepages of our competitors.
To create a Benchmark Check:
- Go to Benchmark > + New
- Name the check, enter a company name, provide a site URL
- Use the + Add competitor to add names and URLs for company sites to compare against the initial site URL
- Create
Once created, the Benchmark check will update automatically once per day.
Benchmark checks provide the following metrics*:
Benchmark Score | A Rigor-generated score from 0-100 that relates performance relative to the competition. It's calculated based on performance across various metrics. Rank is based on this score. Higher is better. |
Lighthouse Performance Score | This is based on the Google Lighthouse Performance score with mobile settings, which rates sites on a scale of 1 - 100. Learn more about it here. |
First Byte Time | Time from the start of the first request until receiving the first byte of the first non-redirect request. 3xx redirects will increase this time. |
DOM Load Time | Time until the document has loaded, and the initial markup has been parsed. This corresponds to the browser DOMContentLoaded event. |
Onload Time | Time until the page has loaded. This corresponds to the browser load event. |
Fully Loaded Time | Time until there is 1.5 seconds of network inactivity after onload, waiting up to a maximum of 5 seconds. If onload is never reached, it is the time from the start of the first request to the end of the last request to finish. The last request to finish is not always the last request started. |
Request Count | The number of elements on the page or the number of requests it takes to load the page. Lower is better. |
Content Size | Total size (bytes) of all content loaded. |
Start Render | Time until the first pixel of content is drawn. |
Visually Complete | Time until all above-the-fold content has finished rendering. |
Speed Index | A calculated metric that represents how quickly the page renders above-the-fold content. |
*Please refer to our Performance Metrics Glossary for more definitions