Rigor offers many options to view data for all your checks in Monitoring. Below is a handy guide to make it easy to determine the best option for your specific needs.
There are 5 ways Rigor presents data:
- Run-level: shows each run within a given time period
- Rollups
- Hourly: combined total data of all runs within a 1-hour time period
- Daily: combined total data of all runs within a 24-hour time period (12:00 AM UTC to 11:59 PM UTC)
- Weekly: combined total data of all runs from Monday 12:00 AM UTC through Sunday 11:59 PM UTC
- Monthly: combined total data of all runs from the 1st of the month at 12:00 AM UTC through the last of the month at 11:59 PM UTC
Comparing Run-level Data to Rollup Data
- Trend Reports
- Custom Reports
- Performance Reports
- Performance History Graphs
- Performance History graphs in the Rigor app show run-level data and hourly rollups in the timezone of your user account
- If your user account doesn’t have a timezone, Rigor defaults to the company account timezone
- Performance reports are sent via email and roll up data in the UTC timezone, which is five hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST)
- What does that mean? If you click on a check link from the performance report to view the check in the Rigor app, the numbers for run-level data will be slightly different since performance history graphs in the Rigor app appear in your account timezone
- More information on how UTC works: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#UTC
Using the Rigor Monitoring API
When querying the Monitoring API, rollup data returns based on the timeframe you select:
- Under 24 hours: returns run-level data
- 24 hours - 3 days: returns hourly rollups
- Over 3 days: returns daily rollups
- There may be a slight difference when comparing daily rollups to run-level rollups since daily rollups always begin/end at midnight UTC time
- In the Rigor app, run-level data is displayed in the user’s account timezone
How to calculate daily rollups in the timezone of your choice:
- Use the Monitoring API to select 24 hours of data (e.g. from 12am - 11:59pm EST)
- Make sure to request summary data
- E.g. If writing a query string, append ?include_summary=true to the end
- Look at the summary section in the response to find average values for each metric OR
- Iterate through each data point to calculate your own rollup (e.g. calculate the median or mode)