In Rigor, each Real Browser Check also has a Domain Performance Report. Domain Performance Reports help us see how specific domains contribute to the check’s total response time over time.
This view can be helpful for identifying which domains may be loading in more assets or slow assets that impact the overall response time for a page or check. We can use the metric selector to sort by time spent in a specific request phase, total time, or total size and we can use the domain selector to include or exclude specific domains from the report view.
This chart is a stacked area chart, so the areas for the domains stack on top of each other as we include more domains in the chart.
To navigate to a Real Browser Check’s Domain Performance Report:
- Navigate to the read screen for the Real Browser Check
- Click Reports > Domain Performance
Once viewing the Domain Performance Report we can sort by locations, select a specific time frame to review, select specific domains, select different metrics, or click and drag on the report chart to zoom into a smaller time frame.
Updating the locations or time frame will cause the chart to re-load and will clear any customized filters on the domain or metric level.
Domain Performance Reports are excellent for viewing trends in the Rigor app, but right now we can only visualize these trends for limited time ranges depending on the number of data points associated with a specific Real Browser Check. If we need to look at data over a long period of time like a month or a quarter, we can use a Custom Report or pull data via the Rigor API.