We can use the Optimization Connector to connect Monitoring to Optimization, a web app that provides actionable intelligence for improving web performance. Once connected, we can send Rigor Monitoring data to Optimization to receive step-by-step remediation plans for fixing performance defects.
Log in to Optimization and go to ‘Settings’
Click ‘API Credentials’ in the left menu
Copy the API key
In Monitoring, go to Admin > Optimization Connector
- Paste the Optimization API key copied in step 3 in the ‘Optimization API Key’ field
- Click Save
Analyzing Monitoring Data with Optimization
With the Optimization Connector set-up, we can now send Monitoring waterfall data to Optimization for analysis. To analyze data with Optimization:
- Navigate to a Real Browser check
- Click on an individual run
- Click the 'Click Here to Analyze with Optimization' button
Clicking Analyze will send the waterfall data from all pages from Monitoring to Optimization and open the Optimization analysis. Here’s an example of a completed Optimization analysis:
Once a waterfall has been analyzed, the Analyze button will change to View Optimization Analysis and link to the existing Optimization analysis for reference.