When creating checks via features such as our Bulk Check Import, it's helpful to know the meanings and relationships of the following fields:
Notification Recipient Type
The type of recipient. Possible values are: "email", "user", "webhook", or "group"
- "Email" can be used to notify any email address, even if the recipient does not have a Rigor account.
- When "user" is provided, the Notification Recipient value must be the user's first and last names, separated by a space, e.g. "John Smith"
- Please see our Users and Groups and Webhooks articles for more information about those Recipient Types.
Notification Recipient
The name of the webhook, group, or user to notify, or a custom email address.
- If the Notification Recipient Type is "user", this value must be the user's first and last names, separated by a space, e.g. "John Smith"
- If the Notification Recipient Type is "user" and the Notification Methods contains "text" or "call", the user must have a phone number saved in their profile.
- If the Notification Recipient Type is "group" and the Notification Methods contains "text" or "call", the group must have at least one user with a phone number saved in their profile.
- If the Notification Recipient Type is "group" or "webhook", the name must match that resource's name in the system.
- Administrators can view available webhooks here: https://monitoring.rigor.com/admin/alert_webhooks
- Admin Users may view available Groups here: https://monitoring.rigor.com/admin/users_and_groups
- Non-Admin Users can see available webhooks or groups by editing a check and inspecting the "Notify" dropdown on the "Basic" tab.
Notification Methods
A comma-separated list of the type(s) of notifications to send. Possible values are "email", "text", and/or "call".
When notifying a webhook, or an email address that doesn't belong to a Rigor user, this field value is ignored.